Thought Leadership

Five reads and a webinar that’ll add some sizzle to your summer

Jeremy Hess

Jul 07, 2020 - 2 min read

For many, summer is the best time of the year. Whether you’ll be spending it relaxing at home or possibly venturing out onto the road for a change of scenery, be sure your reading and listening list is up-to-date. Here are five recent articles and a webinar to add some sizzle!

Sales Coaching Unleashed: 15 Sales Experts Share What It Takes to Get Your Managers Coaching Effectively (SPARXiQ) – Are your front-line sales managers doing enough to ensure their sales team have the knowledge and coaching to be successful? According to 15 experts, probably not. Don’t miss their bounty of great insights.

Rethinking IT strategy post-COVID-19 (CIO) – After an intense race to make sure that remote workers had the tools and ability to remain productive, companies are turning their attention to their IT strategies once the dust has settled. Beth Stackpole discusses the future of IT in CIO.

Sales Enablement Talent: What You Need As A Sales Enablement Leader (Tamara Schenk’s Blog) – There is not enough discussion about the talent that sales enablement leaders require for success. Industry visionary, Tamara Schenk, shares what kind of attributes are critical for better sales enablement.

10 CMOs From High Growth StartUps Talking Market Strategy (MarTechSeries) – Developing a comprehensive marketing strategy is a monumental task, to say the least. Alon Gehiber speaks with 10 successful chief marketing officers, including our own Annie Reiss, to gain their perspective on key items to keep in mind.

4 Ways to Foster Human Connection in a Digital Learning Environment (Training Industry) – Even in our new, remote, no-touch world, the human element is still critical when it comes to effective learning. Amanda Jenkins outlines four ways to ensure that teaching remains human.

Webinar – How Current Circumstances Change Sales for Good, and for the Better (Constellation Research Webinar) – In case you missed it, Ray Wang and Nicole France of Constellation Research discussed how COVID-19 changed sales forever. Joined by our CEO, Dr. Zvi Guterman, Ray and Nicole offer practical, usable tips for making sure teams are in the best position to close the deal.

We hope you enjoy your summer. And don’t forget to wash your hands and even out your mask tan! Happy reading from your friends at CloudShare!