Thought Leadership

Latest CloudShare Update Improves Entire AWS Experience

Jeremy Davis

Sep 11, 2022 - 2 min read
poc in aws

For complex software solutions, an AWS environment provides an excellent foundation for training, onboarding, and proof of concept demos, especially with CloudShare. Our all-in-one virtual platform for software training and sales makes it simpler than ever to create virtual labs on AWS. And we’re constantly looking for new ways to enhance the user experience for our customers. 

That’s why we’re rolling out three new features for our AWS lab environments — Single Account, Single Sign On, and Improved Cloud Infrastructure. Have a look below to see how each one improves our integration with Amazon’s public cloud.

One Account for Everything

Prior to this update, AWS with multiple licenses had to create a different account for each use case. With our new single account capability, users will now be able to run everything from a single source. This means they can seamlessly use a single account to run all their training, demos, and POCs in AWS through a single account.

Single Sign On

Users can now log into CloudShare using their AWS password and account information. Instead of having to remember multiple passwords, users can simply access all their CloudShare services with a single login. Coupled with our new single account feature, this improves both usability and security in several ways: 

  • Reduced password fatigue resulting in better password hygiene and stronger passwords. 
  • Simplified user and password management for IT.
  • Easier implementation of two-factor authentication and multi-factor authentication. 
  • Improved productivity and efficiency, as users will spend less time logging in and resetting lost or forgotten passwords. 
  • Reduced vendor and supplier risk, as there are fewer external logins. 

Sales Enablement in a new word: Challenges, Skills and Tech – Webinar

Improved Cloud Infrastructure

Finally, we’re constantly improving our infrastructure to better support AWS users. With our recent update, you’ll see faster onboarding and more streamlined customer support. We’ve also retooled things to ensure feature releases are deployed to our platform much faster. 

It’s Really All About Usability

Whether you need an AWS virtual lab for onboarding, demos, development, or something else entirely, CloudShare is here to make your life easier. And with our recent updates, we just got a whole lot better at doing so, with improved infrastructure and streamlined account management. But these improvements are just the beginning.

We’re always looking for ways to enhance both performance and delivery, introducing new features even as we optimize existing ones. There’s a whole lot more to come in the future, in other words. Stay tuned, because we’ve got some exciting stuff in the works.