Customer training is the process of educating your customers on how to use your product or services, so that they receive the full benefits of their investment. To do this most successfully, many organizations rely on customer training software.
Customer training software is any platform that enables technology companies to educate their customers on how to use their product (or service) for better onboarding, engagement and retention.
The value of customer training software is twofold.
First, it gives an insight into the product and how it is used. For technology products, which can be difficult for customers to understand, training is an important part of customer on-boarding. The value here is practical: giving customers the tools to use a product, which takes the load off customer service teams down the line.
Second, and on another level, software for customer training can be used preemptively as a sales tool. The demonstration of a product can be used as a “show don’t tell” approach to sales, providing customers with real-time information that can clinch the sale. With product training, a customer doesn’t have to take a salesperson on their word alone – the features, uses, and benefits of a product become clear during a demonstration or practical tutorials. And a customer can see specifically how the product fits into their own organization and helps them solve real-life problems.
There are plenty of benefits to using software for customer training. Here are just a few:
A survey conducted by the Technology and Services Industry Association reveals that 68% of customers trained in a product will use that product more often. Customers who feel equipped to use a product will establish a level of comfortability with that product and the brand attached. This produces customer loyalty, which is necessary for securing recommendations, up-selling services, and ensuring your customer sticks around.
A great customer on-boarding experience will ensure that customers can use a newly purchased product independently, without additional input from customer service. With a customer training platform, this figure rises to 87%, which drastically reduces the number of customers in need of technical support. For technology companies, whose “help” requests center largely around technical support, upfront training allows customer support teams to allocate more time to other queries.
Customer training doesn’t have to be a one-way dialogue between business and customer. It’s an exchange of information, with the best training sessions generating input from the customer. “Is this making sense to you?” “Does this feature help you do X,Y and Z?” “If not, why?”
Representatives who use customer training software most effectively will ask for feedback during a session and distribute a survey afterwards. There is no one better placed to review your product than the customer, so be sure to make the most out of training opportunities.
For more information about software for customer training please request a free demo from CloudShare.